work injury falling
Work Injury

Accidents happen. Unfortunately, they happen more than we make think.

From car accidents to slip-and-fall situations and accidents at the workplace, an accident can be only a step away. This fact is why it is imperative to do everything necessary to prevent a workplace accident from happening, as they can be debilitating.

Here are the best tips on how to avoid accidents in the workplace:

What is Considered a Workplace Accident?

workplace accident is anincident that causes bodily injury during the scope of duty—or while you are working—at your place of employment. It can also include being injured en route while on the clock (i.e. a truck driver that delivers goods to multiple locations).

The most common workplace accidents include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Overexertion—This can include strain or injury while lifting or carrying heavy items
  • Slip and falls—This can be as simple as slipping down several stairs or as severe as falling off of a 20-foot ladder
  • Falling objects—This can include when an object falls from higher up and causes serious injuries to the employee below
  • Repetitive movement—This can include shoulder pain, chronic back injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more from performing the same movements over and over.

How to Prevent Accidents at Work

It is imperative to understand that many workplace accidents are preventable. With proper precaution, applying safe practices, and paying attention, workplace accidents may be avoided.

Here are the main ways to avoid accidents at the workplace:

Get educated

Whether you are the employer or the employee, it is vital to have the proper education in training. Employees must be adequately prepared to perform the tasks that are asked of them.

Without proper training in both protocol and day-to-day operational procedures, accidents are more likely to happen. When employees know their job and are trained correctly, the risk of injury greatly reduces.

Create a safe workspace

If you want to prevent an injury, consider your surroundings. Ensure that your work area is clear of debris, additional hazards, and spills of any kind.

Keep order and organization in the area employees conduct their business. Poor maintenance of these areas is a surefire way to breed an injury.

Use safe lifting techniques

If employees are instructed to conduct heavy lifting and moving of items, they must use proper lifting techniques that will ensure the safety of themselves and their coworkers. The following practices offer safe lifting techniques:

  • Keep the load close to you
  • Lift from a position of control and power
  • Don’t twist whilst lifting
  • Separate your feet in a staggered stance before and during the lift

Employees should be offered proper safe lifting protocol including body mechanics. These instructions help reduce strains, sprains, and other injuries during and after lifting heavy items.

Personal protective equipment

PPE is wildly important in specific jobs and their respective duties. PPE can dramatically decrease the chance of injuring oneself at work.

Common forms of personal protective equipment include:

  • Safety goggles
  • Gloves
  • Safety shoes
  • Air purifiers in toxic environments
  • Earplugs
  • Hard hats
  • And more

Create a wellness plan

Having a plan of action can greatly lessen the chances of injuries in the workplace. Have employees take training courses and inform them of what is expected of them. By removing miscommunications and improper training, employees can stay safe and efficient during their working hours.

Teach employees to alert the proper manager or top official of any hazardous materials, situations, or incidents. Additionally, employees must document any safety issues to ensure they are handled and prevented from occurring again in the future.

Identify safety concerns

It is important to know the scope of work in addition to the surroundings of the work environment. Walk the premises to check for any potential hazards, then review existing accident reports from previous years.

A safety consultant can be hired to further provide safety advice. Everyone is responsible for providing a safe working environment; therefore, all employees personnel, and safety officers must participate to ensure the safest work environment.

Install proper lighting

Whether the job requirements are fulfilled during morning, noon, or evening hours, proper lighting is a must. Install proper lighting that adequately floods the working areas with light.

Ensure that all areas between working areas are also properly lit. This includes the parking lot, sidewalks, exterior of the premises, bathrooms, break rooms, and any other area where employees will be visiting.

Safety signs

Proper signage is a great way to reduce the risk of injuries at work. Without identifying dangerous and hazardous areas, injuries are bound to happen.

Ensure all safety signs are visible and placed according to any danger risks. Ignoring safety symbols or signs can greatly increase the risk of someone getting hurt on the clock.


Necessary supervision

Instead of training employees and sending them to work, having a supervisor on the clock during business hours helps keep employees safe.

Workplace errors and improper conduct can be avoided with a trained supervisor in charge. Delegate a person to supervise employees to ensure everyone is not only doing their job but also doing it the safe, correct way.

Bottom Line

Injuries can happen anywhere. When they happen at work, they can be life-altering and career-ending.

Properly training employees, having adequate supervision, creating a wellness plan, and using the right protective gear and lifting techniques will significantly reduce the likelihood of injury at the workplace. Employers, employees, and other personnel will be safe, and the job will get done most efficiently.